THe Cusp Creative
The Cusp of Magic is a astrological cusp between Gemini and Cancer, during the last few days in June. Being born during this time provides a unique combination of creativity and quirky.
my story
For as long as I can remember I have loved to make things. I enjoy the process of inspiration, sourcing materials, assembly, and the pride of a completed project. While I'm far from the craftiest, artistic, or skilled - I am willing to try it all and fail big. My failures have led me to a handful of things I really, REALLY love to make. Candles, soaps, lotions, potions are all gifts that keep giving. When my home smells like a soap I made - I smile. When someone receives a soap and tells me how much they enjoy it - I smile. I hope you will come to find joy in a new craft you can share.
La Conner, WA is a charming town with many dinning, shopping, hotel options. Come craft and stay in teh cutes small town in Washington as repoted by Komo News
Complimentary hot and cold drinks are provided your your enjoyment. Light snacks are avalible for purchase, including $2 bags of premium cookies, $1 assorted bags of nuts, and my own personal curiation of $12 lite bites in a snack box featuring red pepper hummus, pita, olives, jerkey, fruit leather, cookie, and a juice box - perfect for those who want to spend a few hours crafting with us and might get snacky
Local Attractions
Coa, Thai Garden, Stomping Grounds Coffee, Beaver Tales Coffee are all with in walking distance of the CREATIVE and would be an excellent way to wait for your candle or craft to dry. Coa has mango pico that is to die for. Thai garden is family friendly with stellar pad thai in all spice levels. Stomping ground has sandwiches and ice cream in addition to tasty drinks. Beaver Tales is a native owned mom and pop shop that roasts their own beans, has warm soup and a freindly smile, dont leave town with out stopping by to take a bag of beans home with you, its outstanding. Opening soon is a Fish and Chips spot!
how to get to the creative
Nearby Airports
Bellingham BLI
Everett PAE
Seattle SEATAC
By Highway 5
Follow all GSP guidance from highway - The Creative is located in a strip mall with brick and beige wood work right AFTER the roundabout coming into town. Parking lot parking, no charge.